French Press

What is French Press Coffee? French press coffee is a full-immersion brewing method that involves steeping coarsely ground coffee in hot water before separating the grounds with a metal mesh plunger. It is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to brew coffee, known for producing a rich and robust cup.

How It Works

  • Coffee grounds are combined with hot water and allowed to steep for a set amount of time.

  • A metal plunger with a mesh filter is pressed down to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds.

  • Unlike methods that use paper filters, the French press allows oils and fine particles to pass through, enhancing the coffee’s body and flavor.

French Press Coffee Recipe


  • Freshly roasted coffee beans.

  • Filtered water.


  • French press.

  • Burr grinder.

  • Measuring scale or tablespoon.

  • Timer.

  • Stirring spoon (preferably non-metal to avoid damaging the glass).

Steps to Make French Press Coffee:

  1. Measure Your Coffee and Water: Use a ratio of 1:12 to 1:15 coffee to water by weight. For example:

    • For 500 grams (16 ounces) of water, use 33 grams (about 5 tablespoons) of coffee.

  2. Grind Your Beans: Grind your coffee to a coarse consistency, resembling sea salt. This prevents over-extraction and makes it easier to press the plunger.

  3. Prepare the French Press: Preheat the French press with hot water and then discard the water.

  4. Add Coffee Grounds: Place the measured coffee grounds into the French press.

  5. Add Water: Pour hot water (195°F to 205°F) over the coffee grounds, filling the press to the desired level.

  6. Bloom and Stir: Allow the coffee to bloom for about 30 seconds, then stir gently to ensure all the grounds are evenly saturated.

  7. Steep: Place the lid on the French press with the plunger pulled up and let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.

  8. Press: Slowly press the plunger down evenly to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee.

  9. Serve: Pour the coffee immediately to avoid over-extraction, and enjoy!

What to Expect from French Press Coffee

  • Flavor Profile: French press coffee is bold and full-bodied, with a richer mouthfeel compared to filtered brewing methods.

  • Body: The metal mesh filter allows oils and fine particles to remain in the cup, creating a heavier texture.

  • Aroma: The immersion brewing process enhances the coffee’s aromatic qualities, offering a deep and satisfying sensory experience.

French press coffee is perfect for those who enjoy a robust and flavorful cup with minimal equipment and effort. It’s a versatile method that works well for both everyday brewing and special occasions.



